Numbing Cream for Laser Hair Removal

Woman with google receiving fraxel laser treatment

Using Numbing Cream for Laser Hair Removal

There's no shortage of options when it comes to saying goodbye to unwanted hair. There is considerable demand for long lasting and effective hair removal, also known as depilation, with options such as waxing, depilatory creams, shaving, electrolysis, and laser1.

Laser hair removal is widely used for the treatment of unwanted hair2, which is a common problem. Laser hair removal has quickly become a favourite choice for tackling stubborn hair across various body areas including:

  • Bikini line
  • Chin
  • Legs
  • Armpits
  • Upper lip

Although laser hair removal is effective, it can come with discomfort for some. However, using a numbing cream such as Numit, can help with feeling more comfortable during this type of hair removal treatment.

How Laser Hair Removal Works

Laser hair removal works by emitting light of wavelengths ranging from 600 to 1200 nanometers into the hair shaft, which targets melanin in your hair1. This light energy is converted to heat, which damages the hair follicles, and inhibits or delays future hair growth3.

So whilst this treatment works by targeting hair at its root, the precision can come with a pinch, quite literally.

Multiple treatments may be needed due to the growth phases of hair, with 4 to 6 laser hair removal sessions recommended for optimal results1. Skin type and hair colour can affect the success of laser hair removal3.

Understanding Laser Hair Removal Discomfort & Pain

The pain experienced during laser hair removal can range from mild to moderate, and has been described as similar to the feeling of a rubber band being snapped against the skin4.  Despite the pain associated with laser hair removal, 70% of patients are satisfied with the treatment2.

Those with sensitive skin may find this type of treatment uncomfortable, and may experience increased levels of discomfort in sensitive areas such as the bikini line.

Laser Hair Removal Side Effects

Notable side effects associated with laser hair removal can include1:

  • Noticeable pain
  • Skin redness (erythema)
  • Mild burning sensations

Levles of discomfort can vary, and can be more elevated for those with sensitive skin, sensitive areas or individual pain thresholds. 

Alleviate Pain During Laser Hair Removal

Topical anaesthetics (numbing creams) have been shown to alleviate pain during laser hair removal5 and are an option for those looking to make their laser hair removal more comfortable. 

Numit is a game changer for those dreading the zap of laser hair removal, helping to bring comfort as a topical anaesthetic. 

Numbing the area for laser hair removal helps decrease the sensation of pain experienced in the area, particularly if the skin is very sensitive4.


How Numit Numbing Cream Works

Numit is a combination numbing cream that contains two active ingredients (local anaesthetics); lidocaine (lignocaine) 2.5%w/w and prilocaine 2.5%w/w6

These ingredients are known to be able to dull pain sensations in the skin by disrupting the generation of pain signals that are sent by the nerves in the skin to the brain7

Both of these ingredients can make a powerful combination to work together to interrupt pain signals, essentially telling your nerves to take a break.


Numit can form a reservoir of the active ingredients in the skin during application, and these ingredients can continue to be released from this reservoir and numb the area even after the cream is removed7. This is particularly useful when it comes to getting your skin ready for laser hair removal treatment, without mess.

Disrupting Nerve Signalling.jpg

How to Use Numit Numbing Cream in 3 Easy Steps

Numit can be applied in three steps ‘COAT, COVER and CLEAN’ before laser hair removal to help minimise the pain sensation (Always read the label and follow the directions for use.)8:

1. COAT:

Apply a thick layer of Numit cream to clean, intact skin at least 1 hour prior to your laser hair removal treatment. Refer to the product information leaflet for the appropriate dosage.


Use an occlusive dressing (one that is air-tight and clear) to cover the area. Leave this dressing on for the recommended time according to the product information leaflet.


Remove the dressing immediately before the procedure and wipe off the cream. The laser hair technician can help to clean the area.

Pain Free Laser Hair Removal with Numit

There’s no need to let the fear of pain and discomfort stand between you and the smooth skin you deserve. Numit can help transform laser hair removal from a dreaded experience into a more comfortable one. You can confidently stride into your appointment knowing that discomfort may not be an issue. Numit is an excellent companion to have handy when it comes to achieving smooth skin and potentially making the experience more comfortable.

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